Family Impact Seminars
About Family Impact Seminars
Since 1992 the Georgetown Public Policy Institute has sponsored a series of community seminars, known as the D.C. Family Impact Seminars. This series is affiliated with the national Family Impact Seminar program, with headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin. In the fall of 2002 CROCUS assumed responsibility for the D.C. Family Impact Seminars. The purpose of these seminars is to highlight public policy controversies involving children, especially children at risk, with attention to national, state, and local policy choices and their implications for children and families in the District of Columbia and elsewhere.
The McCourt School of Public Policy and the Center for Research on Children in the U.S. present:
“Strengthening Elementary Education”
Dr. Carolyn Hill, Associate Dean, GPPI
M. Rene Islas, Director, Center for Results, Learning Forward
Allison Horowitz, Policy Analyst, Education Trust
CROCUS Briefing Report, April 18, 2012
“Promise Neighborhoods: Lessons from the Harlem Children’s Zone”
Katherine Shoemaker, Director, Policy & Special Projects, HCZ
Dr. Harry Holzer, Professor, GPPI
Dr. Steven R. Smith, Nielsen Chair, GPPI
CROCUS Briefing Report, January 25, 2010
“The Nurse-Family Partnership Program”
Dr. David Olds, University of Colorado-Denver
CROCUS Briefing Report, September 21, 2009
For a list of past CROCUS Family Impact Seminars please see the Policy Institute for Family Impact Seminars website under District of Columbia.