Archive: Media Clips
39 Articles
- Media Clips
A Study Seeks to Determine What Makes Prekindergarten Successful
Deborah Phillips quoted. The New York.…
March 12, 2014
- Media Clips
Would Shakespeare have unsheathed his sword to fight against Common Core?
Bill Gormley. -.…
December 26, 2013
- Media Clips
Oklahoma! Where the Kids Learn Early
CROCUS research cited in an Op-Ed piece by Nicholas Kristof, The New York…
November 9, 2013
- Media Clips
Oklahoma’s Universal Preschool Program: Better Than OK
Bill Gormley: “Oklahoma’s Universal Preschool Program: Better Than OK” The Georgetown Public Policy.…
May 6, 2013
- Media Clips
Tulsa’s preschool programs seen as national model
The CROCUS study of Tulsa’s pre-K program cited in an article in Tulsa.…
March 11, 2013
- Media Clips
Is The Call For Universal Pre-Kindergarten Warranted?
Bill Gormley is mentioned during a segment of NPR’s Morning.…
February 18, 2013
- Media Clips
Obama and early childhood education: a rhetorical leap of faith
Bill Gormley was quoted in the Washington Post Fact Checker.…
February 15, 2013
- Media Clips
WAMU Radio: Excerpts from Georgetown University Forum interview with Professor Bill Gormley
Excerpts from Georgetown University Forum interview with Professor Bill Gormley, WAMU.…
July 2, 2008